Service Support - 1300 0 JINGL (1300 0 54645)

Standard Business Hours: Monday – Friday 8:30am – 5:30pm (AEST) - Excluding Victorian public holidays

JINGL offers several ways of contacting our support desk to resolve any issues.
Our staff will make every effort to resolve your issue in minimal time.

SIP Configuration Settings

JINGL works on the SIP protocol and any SIP compatible device will work with JINGL. Handsets which are not provided by JINGL are not covered by our customer support service.

SIP Server / Domain: 'xxxx' (where 'xxxx' is your Jingl domain name)
Username: Handset extension number
Password: Handset extension password
Recommended softphone applications

JINGL works with many softphones which can be installed on your mobile device, tablet, iPad, laptop or desktop.
JINGL recommends using following softphone application:

  • Groundwire (iOS)
  • Built-in SIP client (Android)
  • Bria Solo (Windows, Android, MAC OS, iOS)
  • Bria Teams (Windows, Android, MAC OS, iOS)
  • Zoiper (Windows, Android, MAC OS, iOS) - Paid version only

* Please note: The above-listed softphones are not covered by customer service support.

Fax and SMS
Sending and Receiving Faxes

JINGL supports receiving and sending faxes via an e-mail to fax interface.

JINGL also supports receiving and sending SMS messages via an e-mail to SMS interface.


SSL Only

We require that all requests are performed over SSL.


Authentication is required with every API call.

Set the "Authorization" header as base64 encoded username>@domain>:password

The domain can either be provided as your full domain e.g. or just mycompany.


If you want to authorize as john@mycompany:mypassword then 'Authorization' header will be as follows:
Authorization:Basic am9obkBteWNvbXBhbnk6bXlwYXNzd29yZA==

Result Sets

By default, all results are returned in the JSON format. If you want to change this to XML, you can include an 'Accept' Header.


Accept: application/json
Accept: text/xml


Call represents calls that have been made within your Jingl account.

GET /api/call Retrieve upto 100 records constrained to the search criteria.
GET /api/call/{id} Retrieve detailed information for a single call.
PUT /api/call Update details for a single call. This may include notes.
POST /api/call Create a new call.

Call Recording

Call Recording represents the optional audio recording attachment for a single call.

GET /api/callrecording/{id} Retrieve the audio recording for a single call.
DELETE /api/callrecording/{id} Delete the audio recording for a single call.


Handset represents handsets that have been configured within your Jingl account.

GET /api/handset Retrieve detailed information for all handsets.
GET /api/handset/{id} Retrieve detailed information for a single handset
PUT /api/handset/{id} Update the details of a single handset. This includes settings like name or password.

Handset Status

Handset Status represents the current status of your configured handsets.

GET /api/handsetstatus Retrieve the status of all handsets matching the search criteria.
GET /api/handsetstatus/{id} Retrieve the status of a single handset.
GET /api/call

Search for call(s) within the search criteria.


After retrieving a previous result set, include only records after the previous maximum id.
The maximum amount of records to return. The default value is 100 and maximum value is also 100.
Only return records on or after this time within the timezone of the authenticated user. Format is ISO, e.g. 2013-05-01 1:12:00.
Only return records on or after this time in UTC. Format is ISO, e.g. 2013-05-01 1:12:00.
Only return records on or before this time within the timezone of the authenticated user. Format is ISO, e.g. 2013-05-01 1:12:00.
Only return records on or before this time in UTC. Format is ISO, e.g. 2013-05-01 1:12:00.
Only return records matching this caller phone number.
Only return records matching this caller name.
Only return records matching this destination phone number.
Only return records matching this destination name.
Only return records matching these notes.

Result Code

200 OK
401 Unauthorized
406 SSL must be used
500 Server Error

Result Body

id The unique call id. This will be needed when calling other api functions.
startdatetime The time that the call began. The time is reported in the timezone configured for the authenticated user.
startdatetimeutc The time that the call began. The time is reported as UTC.
durationseconds The duration of the call in seconds.
callerphonenumber The caller party phone number.
callername The caller party name.
destinationphonenumber The destination party phone number.
destinationname The destination party name.
notes Any notes associated with the call.
audiomd5hash The md5 hash of the call audio. This can be used to compare a reproduction at a later time for authenticity.
audiolengthbytes The length of the audio recording in bytes.

Example Request




200 (OK)
[{"id":11341470, "startdatetime":"2013-05-01 1:12:06", "startdatetimeutc":"2013-04-30 15:12:06", "durationseconds":73, "callerphonenumber":"14800105", "callername":"Ext 247", "destinationphonenumber":"6624870775", "destinationname":"", "notes":"", "audiomd5hash":"14e6970f132bce6b03c09dfa9f2a86a5", "audiolengthbytes":220217},{"id":11341484, "startdatetime":"2013-05-01 1:13:31", "startdatetimeutc":"2013-04-30 15:13:31", "durationseconds":17, "callerphonenumber":"14800109", "callername":"Ext 246", "destinationphonenumber":"18008658715", "destinationname":"", "notes":"", "audiomd5hash":"122ce5b9efa7f6e6d56d6f7331be4a4f", "audiolengthbytes":52386},{"id":11341571, "startdatetime":"2013-05-01 1:12:19", "startdatetimeutc":"2013-04-30 15:12:19", "durationseconds":39, "callerphonenumber":"erica.lee", "callername":"Erica Lee", "destinationphonenumber":"12102885507", "destinationname":"", "notes":"", "audiomd5hash":"0d8afe1eeefdec843238a796d09a6108", "audiolengthbytes":118269},{"id":11341575, "startdatetime":"2013-05-01 1:12:35", "startdatetimeutc":"2013-04-30 15:12:35", "durationseconds":30, "callerphonenumber":"9", "callername":"", "destinationphonenumber":"2111", "destinationname":"", "notes":"", "audiomd5hash":"ea60beeb28cecc50aef314cbea760ac6", "audiolengthbytes":90848},{"id":11341577, "startdatetime":"2013-05-01 1:12:55", "startdatetimeutc":"2013-04-30 15:12:55", "durationseconds":13, "callerphonenumber":"10470035", "callername":"bvllc35", "destinationphonenumber":"6013211950", "destinationname":"", "notes":"", "audiomd5hash":"16665b5b49b36e2cafc06dc0b302d642", "audiolengthbytes":40721}]

GET /api/call/{id}

Retrieve detailed information for a single call.

Result Code

200 OK
401 Unauthorized
404 Call not found
406 SSL must be used
500 Server Error

Result Body

id The unique call id. This will be needed when calling other api functions.
startdatetime The time that the call began. The time is reported in the timezone configured for the authenticated user.
startdatetimeutc The time that the call began. The time is reported as UTC.
durationseconds The duration of the call in seconds.
callerphonenumber The caller party phone number.
callername The caller party name.
destinationphonenumber The destination party phone number.
destinationname The destination party name.
notes Any notes associated with the call.
audiomd5hash The md5 hash of the call audio. This can be used to compare a reproduction at a later time for authenticity.
audiolengthbytes The length of the audio recording in bytes.

Example Request




200 (OK)
{"id":4277, "startdatetime":"2009-04-27 18:08:56", "startdatetimeutc":"2009-04-27 8:08:56", "durationseconds":11, "callerphonenumber":"103", "callername":"", "destinationphonenumber":"101", "destinationname":"", "notes":"", "audiomd5hash":"3bda687cf44e791da62fcdc9184e2ee0", "audiolengthbytes":35784}

PUT /api/call/{id}

Search for call(s) within the search criteria.



Result Code

200 OK
401 Unauthorized
404 Call not found
406 SSL must be used
500 Server Error

Example Request




200 (OK)

POST /api/call

Create a new call.


phone1 First phone number, this may be an extension or an external phone number.
phone2 Second phone number, this may be an extension or an external phone number.

Result Code

200 OK
401 Unauthorized
400 Bad parameter(s)
406 SSL must be used
500 Server Error

Example Request




200 (OK)

GET /api/callrecording/{id}

Retrieve the call recording for a single call.

Result Code

200 OK
401 Unauthorized
404 Recording not found
406 SSL must be used
500 Server Error

Example Request




200 (OK)

Content-Type: audio/mpeg
Content-Length: 35784

'Binary audio data'

DELETE /api/callrecording/{id}

Retrieve the call recording for a single call.

Result Code

200 OK
401 Unauthorized
404 Recording not found
406 SSL must be used
500 Server Error

Example Request




200 (OK)

GET /api/handset

Retrieve a list of all handsets.

Result Code

200 OK
401 Unauthorized
406 SSL must be used
500 Server Error

Result Body

extensionnumber The unique extension number of the handset.
name A descriptive name of the extension. Usually the name of the person whom uses the phone.
password The password for SIP registration of the handset.
location The location of the handset.
outgoingcli The outgoing phone number when placing calls.
recording Whether call recording is enabled or disabled.
notes User supplied notes. Possibly something like where the phone is physically located.
status The current status. e.g. 'idle' or 'connected to 0409123456'.
registrationipaddress The public IP address of the current registration if any.

Example Request




200 (OK)
[{"extensionnumber ":”100”, "name":"Reception", "password”:"abc123", "location":”Melbourne”, "outgoingcli":"0312345678", "recording”:"true", "notes":"Front office", "status":"idle", "registrationipaddress":""},{"extensionnumber ":”200”, "name":"Helpdesk", "password”:"xyz321", "location":”Sydney”, "outgoingcli":"0212345678", "recording”:"false", "notes":"On Toms desk", "status":"connected 040900112233", "registrationipaddress":""}]

GET /api/handset/{id}

Retrieve a list of all handsets.

Result Code

200 OK
401 Unauthorized
404 Handset not found
406 SSL must be used
500 Server Error

Result Body

extensionnumber The unique extension number of the handset.
name A descriptive name of the extension. Usually the name of the person whom uses the phone.
password The password for SIP registration of the handset.
location The location of the handset.
outgoingcli The outgoing phone number when placing calls.
recording Whether call recording is enabled or disabled.
notes User supplied notes. Possibly something like where the phone is physically located.
status The current status. e.g. 'idle' or 'connected to 0409123456'.
registrationipaddress The public IP address of the current registration if any.

Example Request




200 (OK)
{"extensionnumber ":”100”, "name":"Reception", "password”:"abc123", "location":”Melbourne”, "outgoingcli":"0312345678", "recording”:"true", "notes":"Front office", "status":"idle", "registrationipaddress":""}

PUT /api/handset/{id}

Update the details of a single handset.
Or create / transfer a telephone call.


The new extension name.
Set to true or false.
The new notes.
Create a new outgoing phone call from this handset with this destination phone number.
Perform an attended transfer of the currently connected call to this destination phone number.
Perform a blind transfer of the currently connected call to this destination phone number.
Monitor the currently connected call with this destination phone number.
Coach on the currently connected call with this destination phone number. The destination will be able to whisper to the handset but the original bridged party will not be able to hear.
Barge in on the currently connected call with this destination phone number.
Change between monitor/coach/barge while the call is active by using the following keys on the telephone keypad: 4 - monitor, 5 - coach, 6 - barge.

Result Code

200 OK
401 Unauthorized
404 Handset not found
406 SSL must be used
500 Server Error

Example Request




200 (OK)

GET /api/handsetstatus

Retrieve the status of all handsets matching the search criteria.


Only return records matching this state, one of Idle, OnCall, Ringing, Calling, OnHold, Unavailable.

Result Code

200 OK
401 Unauthorized
406 SSL must be used
500 Server Error

Result Body

extensionnumber The unique extension number of the handset.
state The state of the handset, one of Idle, OnCall, Ringing, Calling, OnHold, Unavailable.
calldirection The direction of the current call, if any. One of Unknown, Inbound, Outbound, Internal.
calldurationseconds The number of seconds the current call, if any, has been connected.
otherpartyphonenumber If connected to another party, then the phone number of that party.
app If connected to an application, then the name of the application, eg. VoiceMail.
registrationaddress The public IP address and port of the current registration if any.

Example Request




200 (OK)
[{"extensionnumber":"101", "registeredaddress":"", "otherpartyphonenumber":"0412341234", "app":"", "calldurationseconds":21, "state":"OnCall", "calldirection":"Outbound"}]

GET /api/handsetstatus/{id}

Retrieve the status of all handsets matching the search criteria.


Only return records matching this state, one of Idle, OnCall, Ringing, Calling, OnHold, Unavailable.

Result Code

200 OK
401 Unauthorized
404 Handset not found
406 SSL must be used
500 Server Error

Result Body

extensionnumber The unique extension number of the handset.
state The state of the handset, one of Idle, OnCall, Ringing, Calling, OnHold, Unavailable.
calldirection The direction of the current call, if any. One of Unknown, Inbound, Outbound, Internal.
calldurationseconds The number of seconds the current call, if any, has been connected.
otherpartyphonenumber If connected to another party, then the phone number of that party.
app If connected to an application, then the name of the application, eg. VoiceMail.
registrationaddress The public IP address and port of the current registration if any.

Example Request




200 (OK)
{"extensionnumber":"101", "registeredaddress":"", "otherpartyphonenumber":"0412341234", "app":"", "calldurationseconds":21, "state":"OnCall", "calldirection":"Outbound"}

How It Works
Everything happens in the cloud...
we can get you there in no time

Using JINGL you don’t need PBX hardware on site – all you require are IP based handsets, a router and a suitable broadband connection. Your business PBX is hosted, managed and maintained in JINGL’s secure data centre supported by 24x7 system monitoring.

Software maintenance, upgrades, improvements and PBX programming are all managed by the JINGL team allowing you more time to focus on your business.

How it works

Simply connect your IP phones to your broadband internet connection and you are ready to make and receive phone calls using JINGL. JINGL is designed for your business needs delivering features of a traditional high-end PBX at a fraction of the price. You'll have access to JINGL’s online management portal which enables you to review settings, configure and manage extensions and provide end users with advanced call features.

Get Started Now

Getting started with JINGL is simple and easy. We handle everything for you! To instantly boost your business performance and earnings, simply select a JINGL service plan. For a more tailored solution, please call one of our consultants at 1300 0 54645 or write us a email at

Number Portability
JINGL supports Local Number Portability for Australian Local Numbers

JINGL can provide Porting of PSTN and ISDN Numbers from Telstra, Optus and some other VoIP Service Providers across Australia in every Call Collection Area and in every Standard Zone Unit.

This means you won't need to lose the public recognition that your existing phone numbers have through your advertising – and also benefits the call savings that JINGL delivers. As well as reducing your line rental at the same time.

We will help you in the whole of this process, end to end, and make sure that your business experiences seamless transition.

Number Portability
Required Information

If you want to port your number, then we require the following:

  • You read and understand the Local Number Portability Agreement: click here to view
  • Fill and submit a Porting Authority Form. You can download this from here.
  • Supply a recent bill showing your account number and address
Number Porting Types

Port types are actually defined by the carrier who is currently operating the number. When a port submission is sent to us we can determine what type of port the number is.

The most common type is a Simple Port also known as a Category A port. If the simple port fails for any reason it will become a Complex Port also known as a Category C port.
Any port containing multiple numbers in same port order is also treated as a complex port.

Simple Port (Category A)

If your number has other additional services on the line then your port will become a complex port and will attract additional costs. The list below is an example of some features that are known to cause a simple port to be rejected and become complex.

  • Line/Rotary Hunt
  • Centrex Based Numbers
  • Fax Stream Services
  • ISDN Onramp Services
  • ADSL/SSS Services

Single PSTN phone numbers can be ported at a cost of $35, with an ongoing rental charge of $5.35/month. This process can take between 1 and 2 weeks for porting to be completed.

To avoid incurring additional fees on your number port, once a porting request is submitted it is imperative that you do not make any changes to the numbers that are being ported. If you do this is likely to cause your number to be rejected and will attract additional fees.

Complex Port (Category C)

Complex ports are used when a number typically has one or more of the following, but is not limited to:

  • Multiple numbers in a single port e-g 100 number blocks
  • Onramp, ISDN Services
  • Line/Rotary Hunt
  • Fax Stream
  • ADSL/SSS Services

Complex Port pricing is as follows:
1 number - $100
2 - 5 numbers - $150
6 - 10 numbers - $200
11 - 100 numbers - $350
100+ numbers - POA

For every port rejection, the port needs to be resubmitted meaning the porting charge will apply again.
Port rejection charges also apply in case of CAT C ports.

1300 / 1800 Numbers

1300 / 1800 phone numbers porting charges are passthrough from Industry Number Management Services Ltd (INMS), with an ongoing rental charge of $15.55/month.
You can view the porting charges at INMS website
This process can take between 1 and 3 weeks for porting to be completed.

  • You read and understand the Local Number Portability Agreement: click here to view
  • Fill and submit a 13-1300-1800 Porting Authority Form. You can download this from here.
  • Fill and submit a 13-1300-1800 complex routing attachment form. You can download this from here.
  • Fill and submit a 13-1300-1800 service order form. You can download this from here.
  • Supply a recent bill showing your account number and address
Enquire About Number Portability

Porting your number to JINGL is simple and easy. We will help you all throughout this process.
Feel free to contact JINGL support on 1300 0 54645 or write us a email at